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111.2k views126 Upvotes59 Comments






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10k views7 Upvotes6 Comments



Too early to tell

Haven't invested

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8.4k views6 Upvotes2 Comments

Internet Explorer

Microsoft Edge

Google Chrome

Mozilla Firefox




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13.5k views3 Upvotes7 Comments

Keep it

I never accept them

Donate it

Depends on the dollar amount

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23.7k views10 Upvotes35 Comments



14.7k views1 Upvote1 Comment

The software costs too much

It takes too long to set things up and getting started

There is just not enough time to introduce anything at all

It is not clear that there are any benefits for us

There is not enough good technology

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8.6k views1 Upvote8 Comments

Google Chrome

Mozilla Firefox


IE (Edge)

Other (write a comment)

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10.7k views7 Upvotes33 Comments

Yes, more jobs created

Yes, jobs lost to AI

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50k views11 Upvotes47 Comments



Abraham Cherian
Abraham CherianGroup Solutions Leader in IT Services4 months ago
From discussion with peers in banking and financial services, the 'taker' model is popular to 'dip their toes' into the Gen AI solutions. Often run as pilots or from existing partnerships with say Microsoft, this provides more
230 views1 Comment
Abraham Cherian
Abraham CherianGroup Solutions Leader in IT Services9 months ago
It really depends on your anticipated pricing and target market. What size business are you targeting? What titles? What general total annual pricing (<$1K, <$10K, <$100K, <$1M, >$1M)?
2 1 Reply
696 views1 Upvote2 Comments
Abraham Cherian
Abraham CherianGroup Solutions Leader in IT Services9 months ago
There are two aspects to application of AI in the business/work context - tools that disrupt by solving a (recurring) problem that is too tedious or difficult to solve, and tools that increase efficiency exponentially by more
3k views1 Upvote1 Comment
Abraham Cherian
Abraham CherianGroup Solutions Leader in IT Services9 months ago
It really depends on your anticipated pricing and target market. What size business are you targeting? What titles? What general total annual pricing (<$1K, <$10K, <$100K, <$1M, >$1M)?
2 1 Reply
696 views1 Upvote2 Comments
Abraham Cherian
Abraham CherianGroup Solutions Leader in IT Services9 months ago
By planning annual goals well - breaking it down to quarterly goals, so that end of year is not a scramble to meet targets.
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428 views2 Upvotes2 Comments
Abraham Cherian
Abraham CherianGroup Solutions Leader in IT Servicesa year ago
Work travel is a privilege. Embracing your experience to meet new people, and see the beauty of nature and culture wherever you go.
23 5 Replies
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146.3k views51 Upvotes72 Comments
Abraham Cherian
Abraham CherianGroup Solutions Leader in IT Services4 years ago

organized a virtual escape room via - even though his team lost it was a fun subtitue for just a "virtual happy hour"
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34.6k views26 Upvotes87 Comments

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