What are some ideas to keep up team morale remotely? Are there specific or structured adjustments you've made to counteract burnout/keep up productivity and mental health?

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Community User in Software4 years ago

organized a virtual escape room via https://www.puzzlebreak.us/ - even though his team lost it was a fun subtitue for just a "virtual happy hour"
Community User in Software4 years ago

 drawing inspiration here from your quotes in this recent article, hoping to elicit some more helpful feedback from Pulse's community. https://www.cio.com/article/3544612/remote-work-tests-cios-soft-skills-amid-coronavirus-crisis.html
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Director in Manufacturing2 years ago

At a previous company, I worked two levels below Bask, who played a significant role in shaping the department's culture. His lessons proved effective during the pandemic, given that we were a geographically dispersed company even before the pandemic. (80+ countries) Most of our projects involved working with colleagues in other locations, and we adopted some of the practices he recommended in his article, such as virtual open door and lunch-and-learn sessions with leaders from IT and the business. The key is to stay proactive and adaptable, as the world and the workplace are constantly evolving. What works for remote productivity and morale improvements today may not be effective in 2024.

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Community User in Software4 years ago

I enjoyed your contributions to RSAC wrt supporting cultural alignment within your organization in this difficult environment. Hoping that we can encourage some additional ideas on this thread...
Community User in Software4 years ago
Taking time to send personal emails to people across the different departments of your organization... thanking for their service relative to your IT department is a great practice... means a lot to hear from leaders across the org!
Director Certifications in Education4 years ago
I keep engaged with the team via MS Teams

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