It's Q4 and the pressure is on. How do you help your teams stay focused and driven while also maintaining work-life balance?

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Group Solutions Leader in IT Services10 months ago
By planning annual goals well - breaking it down to quarterly goals, so that end of year is not a scramble to meet targets.
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Head of Sales in Software9 months ago
I personally like to show them the Calendar, and put together a plan based on the reality of what the holiday season is going to bring. 

For example, we've got essentially this and next week and then you should consider anything that happens after that a bonus. So then with that context, I'll walk through every deal my reps have and figure out the timeline of what needs to happen if that deal is going to come through by the end of the year. We will then triage the actions that need to happen and execute.

By doing this, we've controlled the controllables and can feel good about any result that happens from there.

If we're in a bad spot, how did we get there and what can we do to prevent it the next time a holiday crunch happens? These are the lessons learned.

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