Is AI going to affect the number of jobs in your company in the next 12 months?

Yes, more jobs created55%

Yes, jobs lost to AI32%

Other (please comment)12%

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Director Certifications in Education5 years ago
The vast amount of data requires AI expertise.
Program Manager in Software5 years ago
Companies will hire more employees who have skills in AI or ML
CTO in Software5 years ago
In the government it will be a slower progression. Because of certain employee protections that the government has that is not available as much in the private sector. But again, the trickle down is coming. So what starts in the private sector eventually trickles down into the public sector. So it's something that the public sector has to prepare for and plan for.
Head of Communications in Services (non-Government)5 years ago
No change in the communications dept. ;)
CEO in Manufacturing3 years ago
As a startup we are including AI in our product offering. For backoffice we already leverage the best of breed products with AI capabilities so no internal jobs are being impacted.

Larger, more established firms will have more opportunities to streamline CI/CD processes in systems such as SNOW, Cloud, workday, etc impacting current jobs. I believe firms like will be causing this disruption with digital labor that replaces end to end functions through cognitive AI digital colleagues. Very impressive stuff.

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Yes, and it is always followed22%

Yes, but it is rarely followed54%

Some departments do, but not across the business14%


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Chief Accounting Officer in Software3 days ago
Financial leadership plays a larger role in ensuring key activities happen - talent assessment and calibration, any promotions or special assignments related to assessments or conversely, management of needed development, more
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Human Factors (fears, mental health, physical spacing)85%

Technical / IT Factors (on-premise tools, pivoting back away from remote)14%

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