What is a "must have" meeting for you or your team? If you can please share why/what makes it so great - topic, frequency, etc. - I'm looking to brainstorm some fresh opportunities for my group.

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CIO in Government9 months ago
1. Fortnightly or monthly departmental meeting - to ensure all key messages/updates are shared with the broader group
2. Direct reports - fortnightly 1:1's
3. Successes/celebrations/milestone

Always a good practice to ensure there is an agenda for these meetings, along with some actions to make it more productive.
Program Director, Manufacturing Professional Development in Education9 months ago
1. Team meeting weekly
2. Direct reports weekly.. my preference is to have a short(er) meeting weekly than a longer meeting every other week.
3. All employee meetings / all department meetings monthly to quarterly.. depends on how quickly things change in the organization.. 
HR Strategic Partner, People + Culture Leader9 months ago
I aim for weekly team meetings, weekly 1:1 check-ins with direct reports, and monthly (or worst case, quarterly) all-hands company wide meetings. 
If I could recommend one "must have" in addition to the above, it would be regular career/development conversations with your direct reports. These should be completely separate from performance evaluation/review conversations, which tend to be backward looking, and completely focused on future growth and development. In these conversations, I encourage employees to talk openly about how they envision their career path and trajectory, and we work together to think about how to best develop their role with that in mind. These meetings are incredibly valuable because they provide an opportunity to invest in each individual employee in a differentiated way - to learn what they value, what's most important to them, what their hopes and dreams are for the future. I've found these to be really effective for building trust and motivation, as well as nurturing and enhancing the overall relationship. 
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Global Counsel in Travel and Hospitality9 months ago
Performance evaluations (for self awareness and progress/constructive criticism), 1:1 check-in either weekly or bi-weekly with supervisor and/or direct reports (to address issues head on, give feedback early, gain insight into success/failures or progress), and somewhat frequent team meetings (culture building; cross-functional perspective sharing) are critical. 
Director, Experience Design in Education9 months ago
We have a weekly meeting, first thing on Monday.  There are five people on the team. Format starts with a check in question. We usually spend 15 minutes or so on that. Because we're a remote team, we need to be deliberate about connection.

Then we do lightning round project updates, followed by a deep-dive item that can be brought forward by anyone on the team.

Then we have a check out question that emphasizes what we want to accomplish in the next five days.

It sets the tone for the week, keeps us focused, and gets everyone engaged.

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