Does anyone have an example of how customer centricity is applied in B2B traditional trade business and how we can drive customer centric supply chain development?

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CPO in Retaila year ago
Visibility, transparency, and trust are core factors driving Customer Centricity. It revolves around building a potential collaborative approach. With the availability of collaborative visibility technology and platforms, technology can help connect the core factors to the customers and multi-enterprise providers. 
Former VP Integrated Supply Chain in Manufacturinga year ago
You should segment your customers in a manageable number and adapt your process and people profile.
You do not have the same customer care when you manage big CPG plants or
Smaller private manufacturer.
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Chief Operations Officer in Consumer Goodsa year ago
B2B is one of the sales channels. I apply common Customer Experience tools to all sales channels.

Customer Journey map will pinpoint the moments where you can assist your customer and add more value or reduce some burden on Customer side.
Surveys done periodically will show you where to improve.
Gathering this data in a concise way will help you on the meetings, and eventually will translate to better relations and more business.
SC-2-SC (supply chain to supply chain) is also a very important communication channel to maintain (all due respect to Sales Departments), but many times people who speak "the same language" are able to solve issues quicker before they get escalated to "Sales topics".

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