What is the most interesting/helpful/unique tool you're using right now that no one is talking about?

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Senior Director, Technology Solutions and Analytics in Telecommunication3 years ago
Palantir Foundry
Director of Educational & Information Technology in Education3 years ago
4 1 Reply
Director of IT in Educationa year ago

I like the idea of having more options in the marketplace.

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CIO in Education3 years ago
For me it is currently following the #CIOChat hashtag on Twitter. Lots of topical discussion but also the opportunity for IMMEDIATE responses from peers/colleagues.
5 1 Reply
Director of Technology Strategy in Services (non-Government)3 years ago

It's so good, plenty of good topics and diverse views.

Head of IT Operations in Healthcare and Biotech3 years ago
Still the basics for me, offering a phone service for IT Support, we still have webchat automation in place, but a quick phone call can reduce business disruption durations by 80%.
Chief Technology Officer in Education3 years ago
I'm a big fan of Trello. Being a school technology director, it's definitely not talked about here as much - but it simplifies so much!
4 3 Replies
Director of Network Transformationa year ago

Trello is a solid tool.  Leveraged it heavily in my last role!

Director of Network Transformationa year ago

Trello is great.  My dog had an emergency last night and guess what, the 24 hour vet clinic used Trello!  Used it at my last job.  

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VP of Global IT and Cybersecurity in Manufacturing6 years ago
Have clear business requirements up front, make sure the proposal includes items such as scope, timeline, cost, resources.
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