Are there any out of the box technology solutions for managing Approved supplier lists.  We are leading med tech company and do not have a technology to manage Approved Supplier lists across our organization. Current state is that we manage ASL's locally at our sites which leads to silo's, inefficiencies and mismanagement of shared suppliers.  Any experience with software providers that provide good solutions for this? 

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Founder in Services (non-Government)a month ago
Simfoni is one I’m aware of, but I caution you away from applying too many rules and restrictions as you aim to reduce unnecessary costs. Too many restrictions will come with the costs of slower progress, additional overhead expense, lack of autonomy or exploration either new vendors.

A more network approach would be to allow vendor selection at the edges but improve the knowledge sharing and internal reviews that allow for different facilities to be better informed as they choose for themselves.
SVP, Finance and Accounting in Real Estate24 days ago
We have a similar procurement challenge in senior housing communities. While not a software solution specifically, what I have found useful is partnering with a Group Purchasing Organization ("GPO"), who will negotiate national contracts and has the purchasing power that the individual members do not. The GPO also monitors individual locations for usage and many provide an online platform to track activity, manage suppliers, etc. Being healthcare adjacent, I would think you could find GPO options that would work for your organization. Most are free to the member, they earn their revenue through rebate sharing with the members, which aligns their goals with those of their members.
Director of Operations in Banking24 days ago
As of 2023 we have a fully deployed PSM (Procurement and Supplier Management) platform, Coupa. This centralises all supplier related information and activities. As such, any and all approved suppliers will need to exist within this system. The way this is achieved is via a Supplier Onboarding process, where a new (and if an updated is needed for existing) supplier is required to submit a set of reference documents, credentials and other information, before they can become fully approved. Although the process is mostly driven by Procurement, business units  are required to contribute in the completion of this process. Any business unit that requires to use a supplier need to ensure that they are fully onboarded meaning approved. Approval of a supplier for large amounts also involves assessing their functional-technical exprtise and knowhow and their commercial suitability, via RFPs. In this way direct awarding of projects to new suppliers is kept to either very small onoeff amounts of spend or only in very exceptional cases.

Overall, to control the ASL, a centralised tool is needed, either something such as Coupa or SAP Ariba or a similar or in-house developed one, along with a process to onboard and approve suppliers before they can be used in requisitions.

Hope this helps.
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VP of Corporate Development24 days ago
The Ennov Quality suite includes supplier management in its quality core model. Managing approved supplier lists is out of the box and one of the many core capabilities of the offer.   

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Palantir Foundry
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