Are your communication skills negatively or positively impacted by remote working?



No impact21%

It depends on the setting (e.g., home vs. a shared office space)7%


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3k views1 Comment
CSO, CMO7 months ago
I have worked remotely since 2007. Remote working allows me to be a fractional CMO for multiple companies and support them all on a daily or weekly basis. 

Communication skills for remote engagement can be learned. The benefits of remote work far exceed the lack of "face time" in-person. And, if that's necessary, a trip into the office is always on the table. 

One company I worked for had remote workers who lived out of market. They instituted a policy to allow local workers to work from home a few days each week. As someone who would fly in for in-person time, many times I would be in the office while the locals were "working from home", defeating the purpose. 

Craft a logical policy. Trust your team to do their jobs. Measure performance on outcomes and not face time. Those who struggle with remote communication skills need to hone those skills, as they would any others needed to do their job effectively. 

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Human Factors (fears, mental health, physical spacing)85%

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