In what circumstances is it acceptable for the HR or IT function to supersede the decision of the other?

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Vice President of Information and Security in Manufacturing2 years ago
The easiest acceptable circumstance for IT to supersede HR is when it comes to the security of the organization. HR should override when it comes to a personnel issue.
CTO in Healthcare and Biotech2 years ago
I would say that it is acceptable for HR to supersede IT when a policy has been breached by an IT employee, even though this employee would be very valuable for the company.

For IT to supersede HR it would be when data is being misused by the HR department in any harmful way.
VP of IT in Real Estate2 years ago
I'd say supersede is not the right word for this question. In an organisation, the R&R of various departments should be clearly defined, and decisions shall be made according to such or via a pre-defined committee. 
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Chief Information Officer in Services (non-Government)2 years ago
in cases of a termination for violation of HR policy and vice versa, when someone in the organization violates an IT policy.
Director in Healthcare and Biotech2 years ago
I agree with most comments. Based upon the situation at hand both directions of supersedes Should be possible. The key is that the heads of these 2 departments have a strong working relationship and approach these matters for the good of the whole.
Further, IT has great short term "power" HR has the long term goods ;-) 

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