What approaches are brands taking to deliver more personalized marketing experiences this year?

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VP of Marketing and Retail Sales in Energy and Utilities7 months ago
We began to use AI in order to personalize our messages even more. GenAI can help by writing personalized content on a large scale.
Senior Manager, Analyst Relations7 months ago
Many large brands are partnering with retailers to leverage valuable first-party data to serve more relevant ads across channels to potential customers.
Director of Digital Revenue and Marketing in Healthcare and Biotech7 months ago
For the company I work for, and those I research there is a pattern of focus:
1. Google Cnnsent Mode version 2 - deadline of which is fast approaching in the first week of March. Although this is msotly focused around privacy, consent, and GDPR, it will have a huge impact within the digital ads ecosystem, ergo, how you retarget your customer base.
2. First party data - because this will subsequently influence re-marketing to the users, and their overal experience on and off the website. More legit and clear your first party data is, better personalisation you can provide to any B2C and B2B customers in digital space. 
3. GA4 rollout, this can be a great tool to to make data-driven decisions and dictate how marketing efforts and funnels should evolve and change, to ensure your customer is not bombarded with e-newsletters and irrelevant display ads.
4. Product recommendation tools - Algonomy, Dynamic Yield. These tools allow to recommend and promote carefully selected personalised products and services based on your customers historical data and patterns.

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Managing Director in Software7 months ago
Companies are more and more evaluating psychometric and personality traits as a valuable complement to traditional and less accurate profiling tools like sentiment, analytics, etc.. They use it in various phases of a marketing campaign: 
Social advertising and outbound campaign: communication style (direct vs logic vs traditional vs alternative, etc.), propensions, attitudes, abilities, etc. that helps marketers to better address their message to consumers. 
Inbound lead gen: once the conversation becomes more interactive and real time (phone, email, chat, front-desk, etc.) they are looking  for ways to get insights on personality traits to predict people's preferences and pick the right Next Best Action (IE: if a client is buying in an eCommerce a product, PC/Phone/washing machine/etc., and you are able to detect if he/she has a high  propensity to protect from risk, you can propose an upsell for extending the coverage of the standard guarantee
Marketing Analyst in IT Services7 months ago
In 2024, brands are intensifying personalized marketing through data-driven strategies, harnessing AI for dynamic content personalization, and implementing behavioral targeting to tailor user experiences. Email campaigns are becoming more personalized with segmented lists and AI-backed chatbots are offering individualized assistance. Social media personalization and location-based targeting are also key focuses, ensuring brands deliver relevant content across channels while maintaining privacy and compliance with data regulations.

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