What is the top action that your company has taken to accelerate the results of digital transformation?

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VP of Marketing in Software3 months ago
Including business units in the selection process of services and platforms (to a degree).
COO in IT Services21 days ago
a) Ensuring that the change & adoption is part of the digital transformation strategy from the beginning and not an afterthought
b) Digital transformation is not about technology but solving business problem

The results of a digital transformation = f(Value Expectation, Time to Value, Value Realisation). Thus, having stakeholders well-informed throughout the process made a significant impact.
Director of Marketing in Healthcare and Biotech20 days ago
We have taken a number of steps, including:
1. Education on what digital transformation could mean to the business from a revenue and cost standpoint.
2. Providing solid examples and timelines of when work could be completed and it's impact (see #1).
3. Involving business owners in the prioritization of projects on a quarterly basis.
4. Providing regular communication on progress -- either demos or email updates depending on the complexity.
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CMO/ Head of Marketing in Services (non-Government)17 days ago
Securing an executive sponsor who strongly advocates for the initiative is the top action I've seen to accelerate digital transformation. This leader should believe in the vision and potential of digital transformation and have the influence to bring others on board. An effective executive sponsor can overcome resistance, secure the necessary resources, and inspire a culture of innovation and collaboration. By rallying the organization around a shared vision, the executive sponsor ensures that digital transformation becomes an integral part of the company’s growth strategy rather than just a standalone project.
Director of Marketing in IT Services11 days ago
Making sure that all data we have is clear and accurate! Also, involving all departments in the data management to make sure nothing is missed. Having one single source of truth to track changes, see impact, and know where we are going. 

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CTO in Software12 days ago
A couple of suggestions: 1) You ask coaching questions to assess whether the candidate has critical thinking; 2) Respectfully, you put the candidate under moderate pressure and observe how they react. This might involve saying ...read more
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