Open AI (Game Changer: adoption w/ChatGPT)41%

Google (Game Changer: inventor of Transformers, Bard)19%

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Microsoft (Game Changer: real time BingGPT+Search plus enterprise enablement)19%

Meta (Game Changer: LLM that can run on single GPU)6%

Amazon (Game Changer: TBD)4%

X.AI / Elon Musk (Game Changer: TBD)3%

Baidu (Chinese tech giant, with GPT version released in March)2%

Someone completely new6%

46.7k views49 Upvotes15 Comments
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Director, Information Technology in Healthcare and Biotecha year ago
Looks like OpenAI is leading, but i find it interesting that Google is in 2nd place!
Infrastructure Manager in Educationa year ago
From a technology lifecycle lens, AI is in the research and development phase (Innovation stage). We're in the era of ferment, where there is abundant technical uncertainty, high variation, and ambiguous user preferences. We are a ways away from the dominant design, where we see an industry standard, well-established preferences, and economies of scale and scope. I'm personally looking forward to how technology will enhance our everyday lives.
2 1 Reply
Director, Information Technology in Healthcare and Biotecha year ago

I agree. It's interesting to see who's the 'first to market' for enterprise solutions that are secure yet quick to implement. Also, urge to stay relevant is driving companies to integrate generative capabilities into pretty much everything. I don't think this will be sustainable in the long run.  

Data Scientist & Analytics Managera year ago
The future of generative AI is uncertain. This is because generative AI is a rapidly evolving field and there is always the possibility that a new company will come up with a breakthrough technology that gives them a significant advantage. I think anything can happen at any time in this digital world!! :)
1 1 Reply
Director, Information Technology in Healthcare and Biotecha year ago

The rate of change is so fast, I've got the 'spins' 

CTO in Manufacturinga year ago
I think OpenAI has the technology advantage, but Microsoft through there partnership with OpenAI will grow it through the enterprise.
4 1 Reply
Director, Information Technology in Healthcare and Biotecha year ago

The business model which enterprise organizations can scale quickly will have an advantage. Do you think Microsoft is moving fast enough in enabling simple use of this technology?

Finance Analyst in Finance (non-banking)a year ago
Microsoft will win out in the end. They are just too big of a company to finish anywhere but first. 

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