Over the next year, do your marketing teams plan to increase or decrease focus on channels like Tik Tok and Instagram Reels? Why (comment below)?

Increase significantly 19%

Increase somewhat 52%

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Remain the same14%

Decrease somewhat 10%

Decrease significantly5%

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CSO, CMO8 months ago
In B2B I hesitate with TikTok, but am all in on Instagram Reels for reaching customers that more traditional media may not reach as well. 
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Communications Manager in Finance (non-banking)7 months ago

I agree here. Also. If your next employee will possibly be on insta, do care to join. As for TikTok, we all know the concerns. So why join there if that can / might do more harm than good to your rep?


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We are still remote, but we will be bringing all employees back full time gradually with a multi-phase plan.13%

We are planning for a hybrid return to office model and expect some employees to remain remote a few days a week.42%

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We had remote employees, but all employees are fully back in the office now.8%

None of our employees went remote during the pandemic.1%

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Other (comment below!)1%

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VP of Marketing in Software3 months ago
Including business units in the selection process of services and platforms (to a degree).
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