Fractional CFOs (part time/contract, usually work for multiple orgs) are growing in popularity. Do you think fractional CSOs are on the horizon? Would you want to work under one?

Yes, can see them becoming more common, and would work under one56%

Yes, can see them becoming more common, but would not want to work under one33%

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No, won't become common11%

I'm not sure

197 views3 Upvotes2 Comments
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COO5 months ago
Smaller companies can't afford a CSO, but they need the expertise. If they have a good team in place, then a fractional CSO can be helpful to elevate the company to the next level without the investment of a full-time person. Unless that CSO has all of the authority of a hired employee, it can be a waste of time and money. Companies should only hire them if they will give them the power and leeway to get the job done.  
CSO in IT Services5 months ago
I think with the talent gaps and companies volatility these days we are seeing Fractional CFO's, CISO's, DPO's, and even human resource functions across the board. When you think about the investment from a companies perspective, it makes a lot of sense from an ROI perspective. It's a win/win from both perspectives because not only is it a more cost effective solution, you have the knowledge and expertise of a leader with a diverse background who can share best practices from multiple different companies at the same time. 

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