What marketing topics do you think are critical for Heads of Sales/CSOs to be more involved in, even in orgs that have a CMO?

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Director of Marketing in Hardware9 days ago
Sales enablement is deeply intertwined with a customer's experience online.  Buyer enablement on a website (crafting your website so a customer can self-serve further down funnel) is just as important as seller enablement (providing tools that help your salesforce focus on high-impact activities).  The more customers can do on their own, the deeper and better the engagements sales will have when they eventually interact with customers.  
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CSO in Education8 days ago
Tactical stuffs :

1. Search volume / keywords can also mean what’s trending, changing, in demand or being searched a lot across industries or buyer groups.

2. Assets, landing pages, CTAs based on what’s required on a customer led sales journey

3. Inbound lead gen strategies

4. Creating demands together vs just serving demands (I know this is alot of work)

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CSO in Education8 days ago
Define lower level customers? Are you referring to non c level audience I.e. managers? Or enterprise c level vs small businesses?
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