What do you think is the biggest mistake leaders make during their mid-tenure (approx 2-5 years in their roles)?

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VP Sales Enablement in IT Services3 months ago
Moving too far away from the voice of the front line sellers. Their opinion's matter and staying close to their perception beyond impersonal employee engagement surveys remains important to have a pulse on what is really happening and possibly getting in the way of your frontline being successful.
Director of Sales and Business Development in Software3 months ago
Take their foot off the gas and focus on keeping things steady. When you do that you fall behind. You have to consistently be driving and trying new things to improve efficiency. 
CEO3 months ago
At mid-tenure (2-5 years), leaders seem to settle and start coasting. They may still show improvement YoY but won’t be at the same pace as the initial years. I recommend taking on a new challenge within the company or changing the paradigm of existing work to have induce fresh thinking.
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CSO in Education3 months ago
Trying to be 10x hero! Change after Change. 
CFO2 months ago
Become "native" and complacent. 

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Chief Accounting Officer in Software3 days ago
Use simple language. As an accountant presenting accounting concepts and issues to the Audit Committee, I must avoid technical US GAAP speak and simplify the terms and concepts for the audience.
96 views1 Comment

Being seen as an imposter18%

Being criticized38%

Being a failure47%

Not being a good communicator32%

Not getting it done30%

Other (please comment)1%

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