What are the fundamental leadership capabilities that are needed for an era of exponential technology and AI innovation?

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Director, Experience Design in Educationa year ago
I think Alivin Toffler said it best: "The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn."

The most important attribute, then, is curiosity. The most important habit is holding to ones own thoughts about how things are done quite loosely - because a lot of what worked in the past does not work today and will not work in the future. The critical skill is to experiment constantly, to apply the new technologies that are coming at an ever increasing pace, always asking how this new technology can be applied to the benefit of the organizations, communities, and people we serve.

And as a leader - empowering your teams to do the same.
31 3 Replies
CEO in Hardwarea year ago

Agreed about curiosity, but let me qualify it: Be curious - WITHOUT AGENDA! 

CEO in Services (non-Government)a year ago

Very very insightful

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CIO in Energy and Utilitiesa year ago
2. Embrace and promote change
3. Don't judge and don't promote judgement
4. Think, evaluate and then argument
5. Communicate and lead for company-aligned objectives, all is allowed in this framework
6. Be the first to propagate good ideas and credit your team for them
CEO in Softwarea year ago
Besides what others here already pointed out - curiosity, learning, all, also being agile in all aspects of the business seems increasingly important.

Leading will continue to lead people, humans, hence great people leadership will stay critical to hire and retain best talent. 

Overall it looks like the "same old, same old"  styles will bring competitive disadvantages at a higher speed than ever. This could be a serious challenge for larger organizations which can't be agile or intentionally avoid agility due to the potential risks (real or perceived). 

Last thought about that non agile mindset - I vividly remember larger corporations who for a long time were hanging on to the MS Explorer web browser, even long after MS stopped supporting it and it had know security issues. Internal processes, rules, policies, hierarchical approval chains and all reduced the speed of change greatly. 
Nobody will be able to afford slow speed any more. 

Global Head of AI, Data & Analytics in Softwarea year ago
With optimisation and automation opportunities we are seeing, leadership skills, growth mindset and emotional intelligence will reign supreme.
Micromanagers beware
Director of Marketing in Softwarea year ago
Technology development and evolution historically offered leaders great opportunities to innovate, break the rules, establish new ways of producing goods and services. From the early industrial revolution to the recent AI and ML breakthroughs, technology has provided new platforms to rethink how we engage with each other, help society grow and get things done. This requires the ability to constantly learning and imagining a new role for humans, in the context of a highly tech-driven environment. So for me leaders should certainly keep up the pace with tech developments, but keep focusing on leading people. The role of human beings might change, but in the end we remain fairly basic forms of life that need guidance, support, empathy, direction. AI, ML, quantum computing will make us more effective, but we remain the fragile individuals that happen to spend a tiny fraction of time on this beautiful planet.

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CFO3 days ago
I recommend that you consider finding an outside third party to perform the audit.  I have had to do something similar with an unprofitable division/product line that reports directly to our CEO. We outsourced with Alvarez ...read more
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