What are your biggest technology-related concerns for your department?

lack of adoption63%

lack of skills development/training50%

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change management`38%

cybersecurity threats and vulnerabilities13%


usability of technology25%

other (comment below)

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VP of Legal6 months ago
My biggest concern would be budget (or lack thereof).

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Cost of RPA products27%

Lack of developers who can code RPA applications44%

Amount of customization needed to automate business processes24%

Lack of RPA code maintenance resources4%

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Community User in Software4 years ago

organized a virtual escape room via https://www.puzzlebreak.us/ - even though his team lost it was a fun subtitue for just a "virtual happy hour"
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Rapid Application Development7%

Agile Scrum43%

Agile Kanban8%

Dynamic System Development1%

Lean Software Development2%

Other .. please add it down2%

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Chief Data & Innovation Strategist in Software5 months ago
This question is excellent! I've been working on a big project with different stakeholders and project leads. One idea I suggested was to create a central dashboard. Because they prefer Microsoft, they set up a Project hub ...read more
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