For those that don't use performance ratings, what do you ask managers and employees to document in your HR system? We're trying to find a balance between having the conversation be the focus, but also documenting to ensure conversations are occurring.

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Interim Human Resources Director UK USA & Asia in Finance (non-banking)a year ago
On monthly / quarterly check ins calls to documents achievements and areas to develop and where support required. Focus on specific questions I.e what is going well? What can I do to support ? So more of a coaching type relationship.
HR Manager in Bankinga year ago
It's a difficult balance to achieve. Ideally you emphasise the value of real-time feedback. If you insist in documentation, it can seem bureaucratic and pointless. One option is to survey staff on a monthly basis with a focused pulse check: Have you and your boss had a meaningful feedback discussion in the last 30 days? (or similar). This can reinforce real-time feedback and progress checks occurring. If there is a discrepancy between what leaders and direct reports say, then this can open up a discussion about what meaningful feedback looks like.
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HR Director in Transportationa year ago
Hi, this is a biggest transition for organizations (even mine) have to go through while moving towards a continuous feedback based (moving away from performance ratings). One of the principles in our performance enablement approach is 'Trust'. By this we mean that we don't police / monitor on whether the conversations are taking place, although we have a tool where the manager and the team member can decide to document. 

We have a 2 fold plan of action ongoing - we have a continuous focus on developing the leaders and managers on giving / receiving feedback, coaching etc. We have created tools as well like conversation starters. At the same time, we have a continuous measure based on our annual engagement survey wherein we have our employees' voices captured on specific parameters linked to our performance approach such as feedback, developmental. Overall, it is a continuous engagement with development, measurement, follow up.

Hope this helped.


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Director of HR5 days ago
Sounds brilliant.  Cross fertilisation of ideas, people understanding other jobs in the business.  I guess you'd want to make sure it didn't get out of control, but someone from one function helping someone in another has more
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