If you have had a negative experience with a vendor (without naming the vendor), what did you learn from it?

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VP of Global IT and Cybersecurity in Manufacturing6 years ago
Have clear business requirements up front, make sure the proposal includes items such as scope, timeline, cost, resources.
Advisor | Investor | Former CIO in Services (non-Government)6 years ago
At the exec level, it's not uncommon for vendors to take advantage...er...leverage...exec relationships. So do your homework by learning the various exec relationships between both companies. Then get ahead of the messaging by making sure you've the support of your exec team
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CIO in Software6 years ago

My experience is that the impact of executive relations to getting lower, as more companies enable their teams to make decisions on their own and as the democratization of IT is increasing. But yes; when these relationships are a topic than get it transparent!

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Chief Strategy Officer in Finance (non-banking)6 years ago
Don't waste total allocated time for the meeting. End the meeting early.
CTO in Software6 years ago
This is a general statement; vendors who don't approach the potential engagement as a partnership but instead the traditional vendor/client model aren't worth the time and effort.
CISO in Software6 years ago
It's always important to create healthy competition environment for vendors, and you will not waste time in vine

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