As a leader in Sales or Marketing, what is one action you do daily?  E.g. Engage with others on Linkedin, call X number of prospects, or other networking or direct sales tactics...

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Director of Sales in Retaila year ago
Wow, it's hard to say just one action.  Since I have a team that works under me the one thing I have to do daily is assist them.  This includes looking at the metrics, assist them as needed to help them complete sales or to move customers down the sale funnel.  Also included in this is daily training and pipeline review. 
Director of Marketing in Softwarea year ago
I follow all my key analysts on LinkedIn and/or X (Twitter), and I always take some time to log on and see what they're up to (e.g., are they at an event, have they posted new research, what key trends are they posting about, etc.).
Director of Marketing9 months ago
Ensure my team have everything they need to be successful :) 
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CSO9 months ago
I review all the opportunities, ready to close, and look at the next action needed. I figure that the number one thing I should prioritize is bringing deals close over the finish line.  The second priority is to figure out if we have enough coming into the top of the pipeline and make adjustments where needed.
Sales Manager in IT Services9 months ago
connect with one leads each day

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