What tips do you have for training sales teams on genAI?

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CEO in Softwarea year ago
I get asked this question a lot and here is what I recommend:

1.  Show the sales team what is possible with REAL business use cases in their specific job tasks.  For example leveraging Bard/Preplexity.ai for real time research on a Company/Linkedin profile or by using ChatGPT/Bard for analyzing potential objections or content creation.

2. Organize a group AI Jam session on a Friday afternoon (ie a hackathon) and have them all identify problems they would like to solve and experiment while working together to find a solution with AI.

3. Have the team present and vote on their top uses cases in the following Monday team meeting.

4. Make it a ritual where every team member presents their top use case weekly and create an internal company Wiki of prompts and best practices.

5. Repeat, Improve, Repeat

This is what will inspire excitement, change and continuous innovation. 
Director of Other in Softwarea year ago
I would start by educating the team on what LLMs/GenAi are and what their capabilities are and also what they are not good at and any risks involved (hallucinations etc.)
Then work with the team to ideate on sales specific use cases, such as account research, persona research, content creation...and have ppl share what they have been doing on a regular basis
Global Sales Practice Lead - Champion3 months ago
We are rolling out copilot to 600 sellers and my lessons learned is to start with one app at a time and let them see the value, we tried giving them all of the apps and it was too much to absorb at one time. 
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Global Sales Practice Lead - Champion3 months ago

I am also conducting one on ones with champions to ensure they understand the ROI and power of the copilot Gen AI tool and that has been a game changer. Video trainings are not personalized and leaders need to see the power of the tool as it relates to their work day.

CEO in Software20 days ago

Some fo the best traction I have seen is when I have the trainee take control and execute the prompts, use cases and workflows.  This starts to build the muscle memory so greeat call in having one on ones Woody!

Head of Sales in Softwarea month ago
Oh boy, I love this question. Where to begin.

I'll keep it extremely simple but this is something I'm dealing with a lot right now.

You must educate, educate, educate on LLM's, where they're useful, where they're not useful, and make sure they review everything that comes out of an LLM.

Right tool for the right job is your 80/20 as you start to train the team on what to use the technology for.

Does it need to be:

- 100% accurate
- 100% repeatable
- 100% explainable?

If the answer is yes to any of the above you should NOT use an LLM. 

CEO in Software22 days ago
Here is how I approach it when working with teams

1. Identify the time problems, KPIs or OKRs that the team needs the most help around.
2. Identify use cases, prompts and/or workflows to solve those problems with AI
3. Conduct an interactive training with prompts and have them actually use of the AI tool :)
4.  Follow that up with a hackathon so small groups can collaborate and innovate.
5. Have them share results and reward those that take intiative.
6. Rinse and repeat

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