Are there any resources you'd recommend for someone building their first customer marketing/advocacy program from scratch?

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Cybersecurity Customers Advocates in Telecommunicationa year ago
HI, I manage actually a community of seven hundred active customers at global level.
It has taken more than three years to achieve this goal, and now this community is part of the strategy of our company. 
So my first advice is to set reasonable goals for your community and consider your first year as a pilot where you will learn what works and what doesn't work.
It takes time to create trust and connections, and it's very important to start asking your self what are you going to solve for the members of your community 

VP of Marketing in Miscellaneousa year ago
I launched a formal Client Advocacy program from scratch in January of this year. I used every resource I could get my hands on. I would suggest starting with a session with a Gartner analyst. I also attended conferences, read articles, reached out to peers who connected me with people. I would be happy to share my experiences to date - if we are allow to connect 1:1, feel free to initiate a conversation.
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Cybersecurity Customers Advocates in Telecommunication7 months ago
Well, the first step would be to define what you are looking for.
Customer marketing is different from customer advocacy.

- If you are looking for a customer journey program to help with demand generation > customer marketing 
- If you are looking for a program that will help to nurture and retain the customers you already have with>  a customer advocacy program.
In case then you are looking for an advocacy program I suggest starting from this beginner guide published by Captivate Collective which I've used to clarify what was reasonable to do with the resources I had for  the customer advocacy program dedicated to cybersecurity professionals that I manage

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