Are you incorporating AI into your sales tech stack? How would you recommend others approach this?

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VP of Sales Enablement in Softwarea year ago
If you are not incorporating AI already, or are not researching how to incorporate AI, you will be left behind. The rules of the game have changed. Most of us are already "using it" through apps we access; like Uber, Instacart, Amazon, you name it. There is a major transformation happening right now in sales, in enablement, in engineering. The biggest concern I have with AI, is it's ethical usage. I don't believe it will replace humans in business; it doesn't have human traits like empathy or intuition, and can't make eye contact - all of which are part of the human connection. What it can do for sales is significantly reduce the time spend researching and "connecting the dots". AI can show you analytics and connections that you may not have already considered, when you ask the right questions. 
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CEO in Softwarea year ago

Sheevaun, great call out with "If you are not incorporating AI already, or are not researching how to incorporate AI, you will be left behind. "  I totally agree.  In terms of empathy and emotions, I have found great uses cases by identifying fears, dreams, desires and frustrations by avatar.

I have been thinking about it and have not made a decision. For us, it has been about revenue intelligence and AI around forecasting and the probability of opportunities. Maybe because of my finance background, I'm not a believer in AI just being the solver of all forecast issues. I've had vendors saying, "All of our customers get a 15% uplift" and, I just don't buy that. So I don't know what I'm waiting for. I'm just in the information-gathering stage at this point. I'm happy to talk to vendors and see solutions. But, nothing is telling me that I need AI right now.
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Our new CRM, Microsoft Dynamics has a lot of AI built in natively already; lead scoring and conversational intelligence for note-taking, and sentimental analysis. We’re also looking into a tool like ChatGPT that can further create an executive summary for our sales reps in preparation for a call with a customer in a certain industry.

The last element is looking into something we internally call, "willingness to pay." We look at the model and evaluate what the customers will likely pay which is based on loyalty, product mix, origin, and industry. We’ll tell the salesperson that this customer is likely to pay a premium because of our value or because the customer is in a particular industry. We bring in intelligence to predict the best price for prospects and existing customers.
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CEO in Softwarea year ago

Daniel, check out the prompts I just dropped in my response.  This should help you out with ChatGPT.

CEO in Hardwarea year ago
AI is already built into many tools in the sales tech stack and you can't control the AI in these. So let's instead focus on where you DO have control over AI:

Remember, AI is an assistant, not a slave. Do NOT simply take what AI feeds you as gospel that you simply copy and paste. You need to personalize AI's output and make it yours. It will be interesting to see how plagiarism comes into play with LLM AI...

As a seller, use AI to help you craft better communications based on the target persona or individual person. Also, use AI to help bolster your LinkedIn profile. And, use AI to research where your ICP hangs out so you can connect with them.

To the extent that Marketing is part of sales and uses the sales tech stack, again, use AI for market and persona research. Also, consider using graphical AI engines, such as Adobe FireFly, to amp up your visual marketing. A word of caution here: Don't try to con the user visually by presenting a false reality of something. There's a fine line between truth in advertising and manipulation. 
VP of Salesa year ago
AI encompasses a large number of things. More recently, people use LLM (large language model) and AI interchangeably. As others have mentioned, you are probably already using AI in some shape or form in your sales tech stack already as it's baked in the software you're using. A better question would be what use case would you like to simplify or eliminate with AI in your sales tech stack?

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