If a major incident occurs, how will you keep lines of communication open? Do you have a dedicated bridge channel?

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Director in Manufacturing2 years ago
It depends but internally if Teams is working we have an outage page and for operations an open bridge

If network access is failing we use cellphones to connect to a WebEx bridge

It’s rare for Teams to be inaccessible so a conference bridge there is the answer most of the time. One bridge for Operations and one bridge for business updates
CEO in Services (non-Government)2 years ago
As a remote first organization we mandate that employees use a different provider for cell service and internet. When Rogers Communication went down Canada wide we were able to remain connected by tethering devices for internet access.
Enterprise IT Manager in Services (non-Government)2 years ago
We do have a special dedicated line for emergencies, but we also have a 2 person minimum on-call process, whereby one person is working on solving the issue and the other is communicating to the stakeholders.  It's important to keep corporate stakeholders out of the technical call because it can add undo pressure to the situation.
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VP in Software2 years ago
Our Communications and PR team looks into such messaging, and decides about ddicated bridge channel
Head of IT Operations in Healthcare and Biotech2 years ago
A dedicated Teams channel is established for all Major Outages. If Teams is unavailable we create a teleconf call via our local carrier.

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Community User in Software4 years ago

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