I am considering two different interactive demo platforms, and would like to hear from anyone who has experience with either Consensus or Walnut. Have you been happy with the investment?  Do you feel you get value from the product? Was the platform easy to use/create?

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CMO in Software6 months ago
Hello - in my previous company we used Consensus, and were very happy with it.   We found it's ability to share video, track usage/watch time and build a heat map of the organization (if the vid was passed on) to be quite helpful.    Sales reps used it often to send a quick info video of themselves, as well as sharing from our library.         Not sure what the cost was, as wasn't the owner of it - but worked closely with pre-sales in developing and planning the content.  And - I know the VP of Pre-Sales was a big fan.       
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Head of Product & Brand Marketing6 months ago
Our team uses Consensus and are happy for the most part. As with any tool, you have to be proactive to ensure it's used during the early stages. We ended up only giving access initially to ~10% of the field team who would eventually be users, to gather feedback, validate its value before signing up to a big contract and get some active champions who would eventually promote the tool when it was rolled out widely. So far so good, but definitely the enablement and pre-sales teams do a lot of advocacy for it and remind people to keep using it and give feedback in a dedicated channel. The worst you can do is just "make it available" and hope people will change their behaviours organically.

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Senior Director, Technology Solutions and Analytics in Telecommunication3 years ago
Palantir Foundry
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