What have been your experiences with Grammarly vs other AI writing tools like Microsoft Co-Pilot?   We are currently evaluating both.

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CMO20 days ago
Your question is akin to asking if a pot is better than a grill - it really depends on what you are cooking, soup or a steak? Maybe you need a pan?

My point is that it's not a good idea to start with a tool, but with a need or a goal. Grammarly and CoPilot are great for different people to do different things. It depends on skill set, objective, who will use them, etc.

For example, for drafting quick emails or a summary of an email thread or a presentation, CoPilot is great. For creation of content maybe Jasper or Writer would be better.

If the user is highly skilled in prompt engineering, GPT-4 may be a better AI tool.
CMO in Software15 days ago
Every day sees a new AI writing tool entering the market. It's a crowded marketplace and without defining what you want to achieve it's hard to make a choice. Perhaps it even makes sense to adopt more than one tool.

Grammarly has been around for quite a while and integrates with many tools, making it very easy to use without leaving your current webpage at all. It's also great for general writing assistance and understanding why certain suggestions are made, aiding the writer's skill.

GenAI solutions like Co-Pilot are not so integrated, although when using Microsoft Edge it's easy to flick open the Co-Pilot chat and work with it. Co-Pilot can help draft email replies, summarize pieces of text, and aid in presentations.

I use ChatGPT Teams, which enables my team to work with GenAI without giving our chats away for training. I use it for a range of things, including rewriting and proofreading content.

One important thing to note: Good writers get better results from GenAI tools because they can give better input. 
Marketing Analyst in Services (non-Government)15 days ago
What I find most helpful when evaluating two technologies is using a standard market research process but applying it to a use case of your business. 

For example with Grammary Vs Co-pilot the first question I'd ask is, what gap would either of these technologies fill within your team? Is it a time-saver for internal use or necessary for your external copy-writing department? 

Once you've started to scope out the internal reasons for the software then I would consider with so many similar products in the market what technically will suite your team the best? Do you have active subscriptions within your business to Microsoft products and can work out a deal quicker with that vendor? Is your team working on Macs (If so can you wait for apple intellegence?) 

The more you know the answers to how the tech can best sit within your company the options will naturally narrow down until you're left with the best technology for your team. 
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Director of Marketing in Education15 days ago
I am very pleased with Grammarly, especially if you are not familiar with the business speaking terms/language/ gestures it gives you an outline on how to paragraph and use your words effectively. 

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