How do you streamline registration and attendance tracking for Virtual-led Training events outside of your LMS?  I am working to find an optimal workflow that requires the least amount of admin work possible and was curious what workflows other L&D folks use.  My current LMS does not include the ability to redirect registrants to a wait list once an event has reached maximum registration capacity, nor does it have function to capture who has actually attended the session. We currently use a model that requires a lot of manual admin work, shuffling, follow-up and spreadsheet management. Does anyone have any tips, tricks, templates, etc for:  1. Event registration workflows that minimize manual admin work while delivering a seamless experience for learners?  2. Optimized processes for tracking attendance when running a live session without a producer?  

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HR Analyst in Software7 months ago
It may depend on what platform you're using and what type of virtual training. All of our internal, live, virtual training (and other) events are conducted via Teams, which reports out on attendance after conclusion.
HR Strategic Partner, People + Culture Leader7 months ago
I would think most platforms would be capable of capturing/tracking that data and providing it post-event. What are you currently using? We've been able to do this with both our internal LMS and external event platforms.   
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Talent Acquisition Manager7 months ago
Consider using online registration tools or survey platforms that allow for automated registration and waitlist management.

Tools like Google Forms, Microsoft Forms, or specialized event management platforms can help capture registrations and automatically redirect registrants to a waitlist when the event reaches capacity.
Utilize email automation tools to send confirmations, event details, and waitlist notifications automatically. Platforms like Mailchimp, SendGrid, or built-in automation features in your registration tool can help streamline communication.
Include an option in your registration process to generate and send calendar invitations automatically, reducing the need for manual scheduling and reminders.
Virtual attendance, Platforms like Zoom, Microsoft Teams, or specialized training tools may offer attendance reports or participant analytics.
Send automated post-session surveys/follow up to participants to confirm their attendance and gather feedback.

Maintain a centralized spreadsheet or database for tracking registrations, attendance, and follow-up actions

check if there are integration options in LMS solutions.

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VP of Global IT and Cybersecurity in Manufacturing6 years ago
Have clear business requirements up front, make sure the proposal includes items such as scope, timeline, cost, resources.
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Sounds brilliant.  Cross fertilisation of ideas, people understanding other jobs in the business.  I guess you'd want to make sure it didn't get out of control, but someone from one function helping someone in another has more
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