HONEST OPINONS NEEDED: Is GenAI's applications in marketing overhyped? If you haven't already invested, is it time to start, or is it worth waiting longer?

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Founder in Software23 days ago
Is it the magic bullet? No. Is it extremely helpful? Yes.

AI is an amplifier of an individual or teams talent and can only produce as good of content as you push it to or that you know how to get the best out of AI.

I think it’s a game changer personally and have used it in both high level strategy applications and for more operational needs.
CMO in Software22 days ago
I am of the opinion that GenAI is a tad bit overhyped for all functions not just Marketing. It is being used quite effective already for Marketing use cases. Marketing has been of the beneficiaries of GenAI and are fully embracing it. 

The time to start is now.
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COO in IT Services21 days ago
GenAI has relevance and a positive impact across the entire marketing funnel. Before you start using it in your business, ensure you have a NOW-NEW-NEXT-NEVER strategy on where, when, if at all, to use GenAI for marketing use cases. Sometimes use cases that are not feasible today can become off-the-shelf in few months with tech advancements, likewise, some use cases might have novelty factor but no value/high cost - better to discard those

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Senior Director, Technology Solutions and Analytics in Telecommunication3 years ago
Palantir Foundry
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