Can anyone provide inputs on the most successful loyalty program in the world and its structure? Does it provide behavioral rewards?

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CMO/ Head of Marketing in Services (non-Government)17 days ago
Arguably, Starbucks Rewards is considered one of the most successful loyalty programs globally, despite the company facing pricing challenges and recently bringing in a new CEO. The program's success stems from its seamless integration with the Starbucks app, offering personalized rewards, instant gratification, and a sense of community. These features drive customer engagement and loyalty, making it a standout in the loyalty program landscape. Additionally, the program effectively provides behavioral rewards by tailoring offers based on individual purchasing behavior.
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VP of Marketing13 days ago
This may not be the type of loyalty program you are referring to, but when it comes to 1st class customer service/support and loyalty of a brand where your customer gets rewarded, hands down it's American Express with their service (always a live person, state-side), they take you at your word on any disputes, and they have a very aggressive rewards point structure.  If you can duplicate that as it relates to the loyalty program you're researching, you'll hit a home run...just share it with the rest of us ;-)

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