Do you have a specific methodology and supporting materials for identifying critical roles at the enterprise level? I want to ensure we do this with the ELT members to set a global pipeline and, want to explore what other companies are doing. 

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Interim Human Resources Director UK USA & Asia in Finance (non-banking)7 months ago
It is common for companies to involve their Executive Leadership Team (ELT) in setting a global pipeline for critical roles.

One approach is to identify critical roles based on their impact on the organisation's strategy and goals, their scarcity, and their potential to create value.

This can be done through a combination of workforce planning, talent management, and succession planning processes.

Companies may also use tools such as competency frameworks, talent reviews, and risk assessments to identify and prioritise critical roles.

It's important to note that the specific approach can vary by organisation and industry.

I am not clear on your sector!
VP Talent, Learning & Organisational Development in Manufacturing7 months ago
We are piloting the Gartner model first within HR. I have 3 pilots ongoing to make sure the regional HR leaders themselves are comfortable with the concept and the criteria and to practice with some roles in their regions and for us to centrally see, if there is alignment.  Once the regional teams are confident and comfortable, we will do a roll up to the global c-suite and run it by them. For now we focus on the Director roles and above, not the entire organization. The change is to not look at the person currently in the role but the role as such, business impact and talent scarcity wise. Our executive team will not know the latter so that's why first start with their HR leaders and then to start using it in TA, TM etc.
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VP Global Talent Management7 months ago

Interesting Ingrid, thanks for sharing!

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Sounds brilliant.  Cross fertilisation of ideas, people understanding other jobs in the business.  I guess you'd want to make sure it didn't get out of control, but someone from one function helping someone in another has more
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