Fellow Content Leads - How are you keeping on top of future forecasting/pivots and changes for topics like generative AI or sustainability? Do your teams prefer a monthly report or quarterly one of trends in the market around a topic?

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Director of Marketing in Education7 months ago
We like quarterly reports, but I tend to put more emphasis on the reports that come out once a year. The thing about analytics is you have to give it time to run it's course. We make knee jerk decisions based off of data that just hasn't had enough time to be out there and collect. 
VP of Marketing and Retail Sales in Energy and Utilities7 months ago
It is all about daily information. For me podcasts on the way to work are the most efficient source.
VP - Home & Digital Entertainment in Telecommunication7 months ago
To stay ahead in rapidly evolving fields like generative AI and sustainability, I continuously monitor trends using tools like Google Alerts and Feedly. I allocate weekly time for my team to share research findings. We prefer monthly reports for fast-paced areas like AI to quickly learn for our own strategies, and quarterly reports for more stable topics like sustainability. Balancing real-time monitoring with in-depth quarterly insights ensures we're always prepared to pivot and innovate.
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Director of Marketing in Software7 months ago
Both. My monthly reports are proving to be quite popular, and I aggregate the monthly reports into a quarterly summary as well.
Director of Analyst Relations in Software6 months ago
I do weekly reports in fast paced areas that consolidate big trends with vendor, government regulator news, opportunistic news and analyst summaries. The weekly pace works well with that new area.

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VP of Global IT and Cybersecurity in Manufacturing6 years ago
Have clear business requirements up front, make sure the proposal includes items such as scope, timeline, cost, resources.
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Yes, and it is always followed22%

Yes, but it is rarely followed54%

Some departments do, but not across the business14%


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