Employee Recognition - what are the different pillars of your company's recognition scheme? Do you have names for the different awards? Best platform / system to encourage use of the programme?

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Analyst, HR in Manufacturinga year ago
We do. We have bronze, silver and gold levels. We use Awardco for our automated recognition system.
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Reward Analyst in Services (non-Government)a year ago

That's great thanks

Director of HR9 months ago
In our organization, recognition is primarily centered around global awards, conducted annually with each region having its own titles and prizes. These awards focus on individuals who consistently embody our values, going above and beyond in their contributions. The program is peer-nominated, emphasizing those who have delivered projects or programs that significantly impacted the organization. While we don't have a centralized global recognition platform, this approach allows us to celebrate and acknowledge achievements that align with our values across the decentralized structure.
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CHRO in Insurance (except health)4 months ago
Our recognition program drives the recognition of staff who live our values. Based on nominations, we have monthly and quarterly winners. These winners are nominated for the CEO awards in 5 different categories each with a prize.
We also have created a recognition award budget where Exco can nominate staff who contributed towards the achievement of our strategy and the award is 3x their monthly pay. This is done annually 
CHRO4 months ago
We use our 5 company values as the basis for recognition.  Currently, we have a peer to peer award with 76% of our employees utilizing each month. We use Motivosity as our recognition platform.
Director of HR3 months ago
HI, we have a global program centered around our 4 company values. Our recognition program works as part of a total rewards whole, for on-the-spot point awards and ecards.  This works along with short term incentives (rewarding annual business results), long term equity (rewarding long term compnay health), and merit increases (rewarding individual impact). We use Madison Performance Group.

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VP of Global IT and Cybersecurity in Manufacturing6 years ago
Have clear business requirements up front, make sure the proposal includes items such as scope, timeline, cost, resources.
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Director of HR5 days ago
Sounds brilliant.  Cross fertilisation of ideas, people understanding other jobs in the business.  I guess you'd want to make sure it didn't get out of control, but someone from one function helping someone in another has ...read more
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