What is the best approach to mass upload data from Excel to an application database?

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IT Manager in Construction2 months ago
Hi, which DB are you thinking about? Anyway I believe the most important part is the Excel clean up and optimization then a right export usually in CSV and a table schema in the target DB which matches exactly the CSV.
You can try also via API: Google Sheets can serve as a lightweight database, and you can use the Google Sheets API to upload data: https://developers.google.com/sheets/api/guides/concepts
Vice President, Information Technologya month ago
Python. Literally can be done with 2 lines of code, using something like pandas.
Vice President in Bankinga month ago
I believe most standard databases out there support simple file upload option. Which one do you use ?
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Senior Data Scientist in Miscellaneousa month ago
Aside of the two possibilities already mentioned (CSVs from Excel, and Python), if you are sufficiently proficient R this might be a third option using its large set of different connectors to data sources.

Python and R also provide the possibility to do some data preparation and data validation in-between gathering data from Excel and uploading it into the database to ensure that the data types remain correct and formatting is not altered.

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IT Manager in Construction4 months ago
Do you can add some examples of what you are thinking about?
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