Sales enablement folks, which pipeline metric is most important at your company? Share why in the comments!

Number of deals8%

Average conversion rate42%

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Average deal size8%

Average win rate33%

Average deal velocity8%

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Founder in Services (non-Government)a year ago
Deal size is important, as closing small deals often take the same effort as big deals.  I am not concerned about speed as we just always ensure the pipe is full, and then deals will land when ready. 
VP of Sales in IT Services6 months ago
Conversion rates feed how you structure your business and where your issues lie. If you match your "selling" to the conversion rates that you have to get to where you want, then you can leverage everything else to help you also.

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We are still fully remote but will bring all employees back to the office at once.6%

We had remote employees, but all employees are fully back in the office now.8%

None of our employees went remote during the pandemic.1%

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Other (comment below!)1%

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