What is the main contributor for not hitting Q4 forecasted numbers?

buyers budget cuts53%

poor leads28%

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layoffs in sales 13%

what am I missing? 8%

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Enterprise SaaS Deal Coach in Software6 months ago
Senior executives prioritize projects comprising the following: technical and business advocates who will shepherd the project through adoption, a clearly defined business cases, a mutually agreed upon plan between internal and external stakeholders and a project plan with actions, owners and ‘go live’ dates. Lacking any of these puts new technology investments at risk.
Chairman & Founder6 months ago
For me its "something was missing" in deal management. Either we didn't illuminate a problem, reach consensus on the need for change, it wasn't an organizational priority, we didn't co-create a solution, we failed to identify and mitigate risk etc. i.e.. we missed something.

Buyer budget cuts are rarely the reason. If the problem is large enough and it aligns to an organizational priority and the business case is strong the economic buyer will always find the money.

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VP of Global IT and Cybersecurity in Manufacturing6 years ago
Have clear business requirements up front, make sure the proposal includes items such as scope, timeline, cost, resources.
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Open AI (Game Changer: adoption w/ChatGPT)41%

Google (Game Changer: inventor of Transformers, Bard)19%

Microsoft (Game Changer: real time BingGPT+Search plus enterprise enablement)19%

Meta (Game Changer: LLM that can run on single GPU)6%

Amazon (Game Changer: TBD)4%

X.AI / Elon Musk (Game Changer: TBD)3%

Baidu (Chinese tech giant, with GPT version released in March)2%

Someone completely new6%

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Yes, and it is always followed22%

Yes, but it is rarely followed54%

Some departments do, but not across the business14%


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