How has your work-life balance been affected by remote work during the pandemic?

It has improved, as I have more flexibility to manage my time63%

It has worsened, as the lines between work and personal time have become blurred28%

It has stayed the same8%

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17.6k views11 Upvotes1 Comment
Communications Manager in Finance (non-banking)5 months ago
Is this about my thoughts during the pandemic, or what effect it now has post-covid. During covid, worse as that line in between was gone, also with kids at home 24/7, that made life not better ;-) 

Post-covid it is generally accepted that there is more room for doing the job whenever - wherever. And, more important, not the urge to respond on mails if a colleague decides to work the evening - and you not. Expectations and acceptations are different i guess. 

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Yes, no questions asked12%

Yes, but only on clearly different terms or a more appealing role 61%

Maybe, I don’t have strong feelings20%

No, once I’m gone that’s it7%

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11.3k views3 Upvotes5 Comments

a. Contractors receive the same vacation entitlement.60%

b. Contractors receive less than the full-time position.20%

c. Contractors receive more than the equivalent full-time position.20%

d. Contractor receives a % on each paycheck

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