Would you ever “boomerang” back to a company that you left?

Yes, no questions asked12%

Yes, but only on clearly different terms or a more appealing role 61%

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Maybe, I don’t have strong feelings20%

No, once I’m gone that’s it8%

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AI LegalTech Counsel & Legal Ops Innovation Leader | Digital Transformation Expert | Strategic Advisor in Services (non-Government)7 months ago
It depends on which company I previously worked for.
CIO in Education7 months ago
It's a great question. We all leave companies for a variety of reasons. Sometimes just because it's a bad manager. Given a mutually amicable initial departure, I'd certainly consider again if it was a good company, good mission and potentially different circumstance a second time around.
Senior Director7 months ago
I recently boomeranged and it has been such a positive experience. I've brought so much knowledge from the outside and I have a deep appreciation for aspects of the role and company that I previously took for granted. Highly recommend!
Communications Manager in Finance (non-banking)7 months ago
If the opportunity is right, why not?
Director of Sales and Business Development in Software7 months ago
Given a bit of breathing room between stints at the company, I would want to see that actions have been put in place based on feedback given after I had left the company.

Promises are often made during exit interviews/negotiations. It would be interesting to see if they still valued the feedback after you're gone, or simply discard it if you didn't stick around

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Sr Talent Acquisition Strategist in Healthcare and Biotech8 days ago
I think it depends on the industry. Here is one article that supports this point of view: https://www.rewardgateway.com/blog/employee-turnover-rates-by-industry

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IT Analyst6 days ago
Viva Engage is very good alternative to Workplace.
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