Do you ever listen to recordings of your own calls and evaluate or break down how you did?

Yes, after every call40%

Only after a good call10%

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Only after a bad call

Just when I remember10%


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CSO in Software7 months ago
A high percentage of my calls are Zoom, Meets, Teams, etc.  As such, I am leveraging an AI notetaker.  The one I use does a good job of transcribing, summarizing, (and even drafting a follow up note with action item that I edit).  I can use this tool to help evaluate the effectiveness of a video call.
Enterprise SaaS Deal Coach in Software7 months ago
I’m avoid recording live client calls to foster open, honest and meaningful interactions.

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Director of Sales7 days ago
Great athletes don't often make great coaches.  It's rare to find a top coach in any sport that was an elite individual performer.  Coach K was an average player, but hall of fame coach.  Gretzky was arguably the best hockey more
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