Where do you draw the line between simply adjusting current responsibilities and creating new roles entirely?

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Director, Supply Chain CoE6 months ago
Firstly, you must always answer the question, is the team focused on creating value or simply executing business as usual?  With that in mind, after completing a Stop/Start/Continue exercise, you will be able to gauge what responsibilities may no longer be relevant in today’s business climate and those value-added responsibilities that remain unfilled. If most of the responsibilities categorize under Stop/Start, then you will likely need to assess how a new role may be needed to fulfill current business needs and staff the right skill set to execute, versus simply shifting current responsibilities.
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Sustainable Supply Chain Adviser in Healthcare and Biotech6 months ago
I'd do a full role review for tasks & responsibilities (it doesn't have to be a huge exercise, but a combination of discussion and observation with the role holder). Then evaluate if any of the tasks are still relevant (as Lisa also highlighted) and value adding. Remove those which aren't value adding anymore (align with business counterparts of course before removing). Then it can be evaluated if the tasks take more than 100% of the role holder's time. If yes, then you can go ahead and based on the additional % workload, either create a new role or if it is fractional, then evaluate a part-time FTE/contractor. If none of these fit, then evaluate other roles as well and see, if the work overload is enough for a FTE, then hire.
If you have hiring freeze, then it is worthy to discuss with role holders, if they can do certain overtime for a few months and how you can honestly compensate this work for them.
If the clarifications mentioned so far don't yield anything, then you are facing a larger organisational and structural review need, which is better to be done earlier than later, before you start losing good people.

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