For folks looking to build a succession plan from the ground up — where do you start? What's step number one?

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Division Chair Supply Chain Management2 months ago
With my leadership team we started by creating a grid that included all the leadership positions in my organization. Each member of the leadership team (independently) populated successor names for each role, including their readiness assessment status (ready now, emerging talent, etc). We used the assessment status to prioritize development opportunities for those in the emerging talent group. We followed this method because the primary development needs were stretch assignments and addressing specific experience gaps which require collaboration and buy in across supply chain functions.
Director of Supply Chain in Healthcare and Biotecha month ago
I would recommend to start identifying how many levels of leadership to include, then decide what the criteria has to be considered to select candidates (internal, external, skills, etc.), consider when candidates be ready, what skills, etc., are needed to develop and use tiers to have a sense by when candidates will be ready. Allow a place for candidates to develop. 
What is also important is how you will communicate across the leaders to avoid negative impact or partial understanding on what each criteria means.. for example consider competence is different from performance and many times gets confused.
VP of Supply Chain in Transportationa month ago
SUCCESSION PLANNING: I offer the following recommendations based on years of executive leadership experience in various roles and working with others in succession planning. Please remember that this negates specifics related to the operating model, leadership structure, and business processes. 

1) Begin with the end in mind.
2) Include the right leadership team and stakeholders.
3) Develop a success planning matrix with weighted scoring concerning a shortlist for the roles to be planned for.
4) Establish a monthly cadence to review or at the least a quarterly success planning review session to manage the process and keep the evaluation of proposed resources relevant.
5) Once employees are selected for success planning, develop a coaching, mentoring, and performance improvement plan to engage with the employees to upskill and create knowledge sharing.
6) Leverage a shadowing program for cross-training.
7) Apply quantitative data and models for measurement of the success of the program.
8) Establish a cohesive "playbook" with rules of engagement to govern the process.
9) Automate the process where possible.

I hope this helps. Note: there are references offered by SHRM and other resources that provide templates and tools to advance. 

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VP of IT in Consumer Goodsa month ago
For us the first step was to develop a competency model for the roles for which we wanted to build a succession plan.  You can then use that model to assess each of your team members and conduct a gap analysis to determine which individuals could be immediate successors, need 1-3 years development, or more than 3 years.  The gap analysis is then used to formulate development plans for each of your team members.
CTOa month ago
I believe succession planning should be a consideration of business continuity planning.  The principles are the same, rather than product you are ensuring continuity of people.  You would define succession in 2 stages, short term tactical or longer term strategically.  Each would pose different challenges depending and autonomy for example sign off of invoices as C-Suite or boardroom engagements.

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