What are you most looking for from vendors that pitch you?

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Chief Security Officer in Software6 years ago
I want to understand your how your product / service works techncialy, what is your company strategy and most importantly skip the marketing terms/hot topics. At the end of the day I want to know if you are a fit within my technology roadmap and how specifically that can work.
Director Of Information Technology in Services (non-Government)6 years ago
I agree with Lee...Where does the product fit into my strategy. I tend to turn off when vendors start out with a slide deck telling me all their customers. I didn’t marry my wife for who she dated in the past.
22 1 Reply
Managing Partner, Partnerships & Strategy in Software3 years ago

That last line! Love it

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CIO Partnerships, Alliances & BD (Strategy, Interconnection, Information, Implementation)6 years ago
I agree, I want to know about the company that stands behind the product and overall knowledge and stability for my roadmap, products and services. Is that salesperson start ing with me is going to be there or gone in a flash. tell me my life will improve with your support and what makes you stand above the rest, without marketing or disparaging the competition.
CTO in Software6 years ago
The most important is whether they understand this is a potential partnership, not a contentious vendor/client relationship
in Software6 years ago
I want the vendor to have done his homework on our organization so that they at least have a common understanding, 98% don't do this and it's a turn off at the get go. Those that do, I want to understand how their organization is going to help me achieve the goals of our organization. It's all about business outcomes, not selling me a widget or gadget. If you can truly partner in achieving those business outcomes, you'll be a vendor I'll use over and over.
6 1 Reply
COO in Finance (non-banking)a year ago

Absolutely 100%  agree Shaun.  Do not try to sell me on a one-size-fits-all product when you present!


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VP of Global IT and Cybersecurity in Manufacturing6 years ago
Have clear business requirements up front, make sure the proposal includes items such as scope, timeline, cost, resources.
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Chief Accounting Officer in Software3 days ago
Financial leadership plays a larger role in ensuring key activities happen - talent assessment and calibration, any promotions or special assignments related to assessments or conversely, management of needed development, ...read more
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