How open are you to hiring first time accountants with a stats or math degree instead of finance or accounting?

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Chief Accounting Officer in Software4 days ago
Very open. Basic accounting and theory can be taught on the job depending on the work but the stats and math degree and knowledge comes in handy when providing individuals with new technology and expecting some level of low code ability. I've watched folks with stats background excel at Automation Anywhere, Alteryx, ML, and NPL well, better than traditional accountants in several cases. I think there is a need for both types in the department to help balance each other out, maintain accuracy of the work but also ensure continuous improvement and modernization through technology. 
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SVP of Finance in IT Services3 days ago
Open to hiring with stats or maths degree. Resources with these degrees fit well into new roles related to technology and Data analysis which has become very relevant in todays working environment. These people are able to relate to the Data and help with Automation, AI/ML and Analytics better and balance out with the Finance or Accounting professionals who fit into roles more specific to their education. 

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