We are looking for a good talent assessment vendor/resource for Hi-Po and newly promoted employees. If possible, we would like to be able to customize to include the leadership competencies we have established as our internal leadership essentials. Who is using internal assessments, and how are you using them? What vendors do you recommend investigating? 

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Director of HR in Healthcare and Biotech6 months ago
On the assessment, we use Korn Ferry assessments, and we have an internal assessment based on our leadership behaviors. It’s simpler, just a self-assessment + leader perception on behavior demonstration, using a scale ranging from “rarely” to “all the time”.
Director of HR in Healthcare and Biotech6 months ago
I would also recommend MDA Leadership Consulting here; strong in potential measurement both for identification of up and coming leaders and how to develop them once identified. They do a great job aligning to pre-existing competencies.
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Director of HR in Construction6 months ago

Thanks, I will look into it.

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Interim Human Resources Director UK USA & Asia in Finance (non-banking)6 months ago
We have used Korn Ferry which provides data driven insights for leadership assessments helping in talent decisions and succession planning.
1 2 Replies
Interim HR Director6 months ago

I agree Korn Ferry are very good  and   Their FYI  development  guide is fantastic 

Director of HR in Construction6 months ago

thank you both...I am looking into Korn Ferry - have used the FYI Development in prior iterations and found it very helpful.

Director of HR6 months ago
We are using Talogy (formerly PSI) and DDI assessments for various purposes.  We use pre-employment assessments for our hourly workforce to ensure fit and proper qualification.  We use other assessments for development purposes.  Leaders (mostly hi-pos) take a particular assessment during a leadership development program.  They use the results to leverage strengths and work on opportunities areas, then report out at the end of the program.  There are several good vendors out there, depending on the need.  Both Talogy and DDI have excellent leadership assessments that may fit your needs.  Not sure on customization, but there would definitely be an opportunity for competency mapping.  
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Director of HR in Construction6 months ago

thanks for your insights

Director of HR in Energy and Utilities6 months ago
I would recommend investigating Korn Ferry.  We use Korn Ferry tools to assess potential, leadership competencies, the climate created and leadership style.  I find their suite of tools to be quite comprehensive.  We have also utilized Korn Ferry to Develop a very comprehensive "success profile" that outlines the accountabilities and requirements for each stratum of work in the organization.  This has enabled the identification of high potentials and it also supports more comprehensive development planning.  We also have customized leadership competencies, but I would caution against this.  Korn Ferry and other providers often have a suite of leadership competencies that are based on comprehensive research (and often not altogether different than the internal "customized" competencies).  This means the competencies are less introspective.  And, it is much easier to integrate assessments and succession planning programming when the required competencies are based extensive research about what constitutes ideal leadership.
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Director of HR in Construction6 months ago

thank you - we also use KF for sr leaders, so it would be good to integrate the resources there with the emerging talent.

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