We are at the initial stages of developing an AI policy for our public sector organization and are looking to establish a robust framework that ensures ethical use, transparency, and accountability. Where can we find successful examples of AI policies in the public sector that might serve as a blueprint for our efforts? When is the ideal time to review and update these policies to keep pace with technological advancements? Appreciate your feedback.

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Chief Information Officer in Government7 months ago
I have a collection of AI Resources related to Public Sector. They vary from very detailed academic to one-pager info resources. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/ti55lcud0iwx82fpmkc6y/h?rlkey=6w0deknf0cqudnpwcdc8lawza&dl=0
3 1 Reply
CIO in Government7 months ago

Thank you so very much, Juan. I will take a look. This means a lot. 

Director Of Information Technology in Manufacturing7 months ago
Having an AI policy in place is important, but like most policy, your AI policy will only be as good as those who monitor and are responsible for upholding it. We try to review a policy like this every 3-6 months. 
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CIO in Government6 months ago

Good info Bill. Thanks. 

Director of IT7 months ago
While AI is assisting and helping to get the jobs done efficiently, It is extremely important to keep a check and have the policy to have the right usage and applications of AI for effective use of technology without any type of harm, the type of harm varies from monitory, reputation, loss of job, ambiguous communication, misinformation with Bias Control  and customer experience.

Every enterprise must put in place a Governance Framework  along with best practices and policy along with a centralized process to acquire, use, and deploy AI and GenAI capabilities. 

This is not just a compliance issue, but a necessary step to avoid harm to individuals and entities. 

The policy Framework must include 

authorized use of AI products, authenticity verification of information used to train the model, attribution and accountability, and guidelines for what prompts to respond to. 

Enterprises must not wait for regulators to bring law, but must act now to minimize risk and ensure optimal and effective use of technology. 

The policy must be revisited every 3 month until at least next 2 year and call can be taken to continue with same frequency or reduce.
1 Reply
CIO in Government6 months ago

I thank you so very much. I will take this into consideration for sure. 

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