I'm looking to engage in a department-wide pilot using LLM for the Federal Government. Can anyone who has been down this path specifically with GPT share their advice? How can we break through any of the typical gov red tape barriers?

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Senior Technical Architect - Intelligent Automation in IT Services7 months ago
Here are my thoughts on this :
1. Engage cross-department stakeholders. Show them how LLM can simplify tasks and solve pressing issues. This early support aids in a smoother process.
2. Address bureaucracy and tackle any red tape head-on: Coordinate with legal and compliance teams. Knowing the rules upfront lets you shape your project to fulfill the necessary guidelines, avoiding future hitches.

3. Pilot Program: Opt for a manageable yet high-impact pilot. This approach makes measuring success simpler and proves the utility of LLM to doubters.
4. Address Privacy Concerns: A robust plan can be outlined for responsible data usage. Addressing this major worry early on eliminates potential obstacles.
5. Feedback Loop: Establish a method to collect user opinions regularly. It refines the technique and shows the dedication to success for all.
6. Security First: Engage the cybersecurity team to ensure the LLM application meets the enterprise standards for data protection and threat resistance. Implementing robust encryption and access controls from the outset will be key.
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IT Manager in Construction4 days ago
Go for the SLM, nevermind LLM. I would suggest an approach SLM+Knownledge Graph, you can mitigate halloucinations and bias and keep costs affordable.

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