What tools or strategies do you offer to employees to facilitate mentor/mentee connections?

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Mission Diplomatic Technology Officer in Government4 months ago
Sharepoint site with knowledge or self registered mentors bios. The new hires are ‘connected’ with their chosen mentor.

And all are given a standard operate procedures for mentor and mentee.
VP of Supply Chain4 months ago
1 - Onboarding uses Chronus.com and is a very formalize process/workflow with major activities required on a peer-to-peer basis
2 - MDA Leadership Institute also provides a trained coach to spend time during onboarding as additional resources with specific resources/tools (e.g., Real Colors)
3 - Service Excellence: education delivered through portal touching on skills critical to deliver patient care (Engagement, Communication, Patient Experience, Anticipating Needs, Empowerment, Service Recovery)
4 - LEADing Self / LEADing Others
5 - Then we use CoachRice which is a collaborative with Rice University to train our coaches
VP of Corporate Development4 months ago
We have mentor/mentee programs run by our people department. We have programs facilitate “traditional” mentorship from leader but also “reverse mentorship” where leadership levels are mentored by more junior roles.
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VP of Supply Chain in Transportation4 months ago

Some organizations launch formal programs enterprise-wide to drive these relationships. A formalized program creates a clear pathway to connect mentors and mentees willing to participate. Without a corporate-endorsed program, connections within departments should be strengthened cross-functionally. Take time during employee reviews to ask probing questions to gauge an individual's interest in mentorship or mentoring others and facilitate those connections on a one-to-one basis. 

Another alternative is to set up monthly roundtables, town hall meetings, cohort lunch and learns, or deliberately create a forum for individuals to be introduced to one another, form relationships, and guide the mentoring process. 

Most importantly, anyone involved in a mentor-mentee relationship must do so willingly. The symbiotic relationship has to work for both parties and be facilitated to meet the individual's needs. Forcing these relationships or forcing/mandating this as a requirement will not yield the most favorable outcomes. 

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VP of Global IT and Cybersecurity in Manufacturing6 years ago
Have clear business requirements up front, make sure the proposal includes items such as scope, timeline, cost, resources.
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