Data Literacy is critical due to the ever-changing "digital-first" world we live in, and organizations are making every effort to stay competitive through innovation and transformation. Do you agree? Why or why not? 

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IT Manager in IT Servicesa year ago
I agree that data literacy is an essential skill for modern organisations. There are three practical value propositions: Visibility, Clarity and Action.

Visibility of the big picture at a glance of the current state of operations via structured and unstructured data. Situational awareness is critical in uncertain times like right now.

Clarity comes from leveraging data in a timely manner to drive communication and collaboration across functional teams/divisions. A deep understanding of dependencies, timing, priority and resources is invaluable anywhere at any time.

Action, not Decision, makes things happen. It sounds like the obvious. With Data Literacy, Dashboards/ Reports won't make the cut in the end. Action that aligned with the feedback loop and data would drive values, efficiency and growth.
Enterprise Data Manager in Manufacturinga year ago
Every organisation has to have a good relationship with it's data, though i tend to think of it as fluency rather than literacy, given that everyone is in a different place on the journey. The C suite don't require the same level of fluency as someone closer to the workface, they just require to understand the value proposition that data represents, and embrace the opportunity for digital growth. A healthy stance on experimentation is also crucial.
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Data Scientist & Analytics Managera year ago

I agree that data fluency is more important than data literacy, and that the C-suite doesn't need to be as data-fluent as frontline employees. However, I do think that the C-suite should have a basic understanding of data and how it can be used to make informed decisions. Here are a few things that the C-suite can do to improve their data fluency:

1. The C-suite should have a basic understanding of data and how it can be used to make informed decisions.
2. To improve data fluency, the C-suite can set clear goals, create a data-driven culture, invest in data-driven tools and resources, and get training on data analysis.
3. The C-suite should also have a healthy stance on experimentation, which means being willing to try new things and learn from mistakes.

I believe by following these lines, the C-suite can improve their data fluency and make better use of data to achieve their business goals. 

Happy to hear your thoughts!!

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Senior Data Scientist in Miscellaneousa year ago
Personally, if you link data-literacy to "digital first" for the first time, you are way too late. Data Literacy starts, when someone is professionally interacting with IT system one or the other way. This fact can be proven by the vast number of mistakes and errors being made every day, when data is colelcted and entered into an IT system so to say without thinking.
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Data Scientist & Analytics Managera year ago

I agree with you that data literacy is important for anyone who interacts with IT systems, regardless of whether they are working in a "digital first" environment. In fact, I would argue that data literacy is even more important in a "digital first" environment, where data is being generated and collected at an unprecedented rate.

There are a number of reasons why data literacy is important. First, it allows people to make better decisions. When people have a good understanding of data, they can use it to identify trends, make predictions, and solve problems. Second, data literacy can help people to be more effective in their work. In today's world, data is often used to make decisions about everything from hiring and firing to product development and marketing. By being data literate, people can make sure that they are using data in a way that is accurate, fair, and ethical.

There are a number of things that can be done to improve data literacy. One is to provide training and education on data literacy. This can be done through formal courses, workshops, and on-the-job training. Another is to create tools and resources that make it easier for people to understand data. This could include data visualization tools, data dictionaries, and data tutorials. Finally, it is important to create a culture of data literacy within organizations. This means that everyone in the organization should be encouraged to ask questions about data, to challenge assumptions, and to think critically about the data that they are using.

The vast number of mistakes and errors that are made every day when data is collected and entered into IT systems is a testament to the need for data literacy. By improving data literacy, we can make better decisions, be more effective in our work, and create a more data-literate society.

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