For those who have implemented an internal gig marketplace for short-term assignments / projects: what successes and challenges have you faced in adoption and impact?

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HR Manager8 months ago
we have not done this
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HR Director in Services (non-Government)7 months ago

Thanks for the response Erin!

Director Talent Management in Software7 months ago
Hello, we were very successful with Gigs and we have seen some great impact:
We were able to fill some short term gaps in teams, there has been a surge of interest in roles who were not very visible. We have seen people collaborating more cross-business unit. Definitely cost savings by utilizing internal talent. The main challenge was balancing workload and priorities across projects mainly.
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HR Director in Services (non-Government)7 months ago

Thank you so much for sharing your situation Ray! Glad to hear it was a success and the heightened interest in roles sounds like a huge value add.

I appreciate the insight into workload balance and that is definitely top of mind as we begin to ideate on this. One idea I have is borrow's Google X% approach as a guardrail for setting limits on gig lengths etc.

VP of HR6 months ago

Hi Ray!  We are looking to implement an internal marketplace and would love to learn from you!  Please let me know if you would be willing to chat.

Interim HR Director6 months ago
Great for development , popular with career orientated employees , spreads skills and overall business understanding. I suspect it  does stop some people from leaving but no statistical evidence  as yet on that.

The issue
Don't underestimate the political wrangling over budgets 
It does generate  more movement ( from the backfill of assignments) 
We did get a Manager try to split out a whole job into gigs and it was  unmanageable and affected performance of the whole team
Really have your tracking system sorted out 

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HR Director in Services (non-Government)3 months ago

Hey Peter, thanks for the response and as we've piloted we've discussed the risk in your 3rd point about managers potentially abusing this to split out whole jobs. We've indicated this as a no-no in ground rules but we'll definitely keep watchful eye.

Director of HR6 months ago
We have implemented 'gigs' and the reception from employees has been very positive as it aids development in a way that drives demonstrable skills with the experience. The biggest challenge has been identifying what a successful 'gig' looks like. We are currently looking to enhance this process by educating prospective 'gig owners' on how to scope and describe the 'gig'.  
1 Reply
HR Director in Services (non-Government)3 months ago

Thanks for the response Christine! We're a few weeks into your pilot and to your point, I think we'll need to figure out what success looks like. We've been lucky in that a few employees who've taken on gigs have been vocal that sharing their (positive) experience, but it'll be key that we have some empirical data on this as well.

CHRO6 months ago
One major challenge is to have managers be fully onboard and enabling talent mobility.  Said another way, managers should not hoard talent, but need to advocate for their team members to take on gigs with other leaders and move on to jos that may be in other departments.
1 Reply
HR Director in Services (non-Government)3 months ago

Thanks Eric! Agreed and I think we'll face that the talent hoarders challenge as we scale out our program.

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